Defining and Predicting Hunger Outcomes
In addition to forming a Microfinance Genome Consortium, we also recently worked with the Clinton Global Initiative to launch a Hunger Genome Consortium. This is an ever-growing group, open to practitioners, funders and researchers in hunger-related fields. For more information or to join the group, contact us at
How Your Organization Can Attract More Year End Donations
Whether it is the spirit of the holidays or a personal squaring of accounts ahead of tax season that drives donations, nearly a quarter of household charitable giving happens between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. So during this opportune time for giving, how can your organization secure more funding by convincing donors that it best meets the needs they care about most? Jason Saul,”4 Ways to Sell Your Impact to Year End Donors” The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Identify the Social Benefits that Truly Motivate Your Consumers
Consumer demand is shifting, with consumers now rewarding brands that deliver social benefits. This profound change in the marketplace presents an opportunity for brands to market to consumers in new ways. How can you determine which causes and social strategies will actually move the business needle? Perry Yeatman and Sue Tobias, “Capturing Consumer Demand for Social Impact,”The Huffington Post
What Research Predicts for the Future of Ready-to-Drink Beverages
Much has been made about consumers shifting away from traditional carbonated soft drinks. In response, large beverage companies are launching new products. Our research suggests that those that deliver fresh, healthy and natural benefits will win in the market. Matt Fisher, “Is There a Future for Carbonated Soft Drinks?”