Our partners include some of the most recognized corporations, private foundations and non-profits around the world as well as progressive government agencies focused on driving outcomes in the social sector.
We bring more than fifteen years of experience and proprietary data and insights to our work with clients to help them measure in the following ways:
Advance the strategy and outcomes of community investment and corporate social responsibility initiatives to inform and maintain accountability to a wide range of stakeholders, including the Boards of Directors.
Identify effective outcomes and evidence-based strategies to maximize their return on investment in social change.
Help funders understand the aggregate impact of their portfolios, and identify standout programs that are contributing the most to their desired impact.
Help define, measure, and communicate the impact of their programs, build capacity in grants compliance, and increase their fundraising impact and reach.
Find out how Mission Measurement can help your organization, contact us today.
Chicago HQ
200 North LaSalle Street
Suite 2650
Chicago, IL 60601
240 Richmond Street W
Toronto, ON M5V 1V6