Price of Impact Index™

The world’s leading data source for benchmarking outcomes.

Impact Area Outcome Cost Per Outcome (CPO)

* While Cost per Outcome benchmarks are useful guidelines, actual program costs may vary by context and beneficiary type.

Cost Per Outcome (CPO): the average cost for a social program to produce the outcome for one beneficiary.

When you are investing millions or billions of dollars, you can’t afford to guess — you need to know what works. Mission Measurement helps clients measure actual outcomes so they can understand the true impact of their investments.

Our services help clients answer the following questions:

  • How can you define the right outcomes for your strategy?
  • How do you standardize data across diverse grants and programs?
  • How can you aggregate results to report portfolio-level impact?
  • How can you build nonprofit capacity to measure outcomes?
  • What are the benchmarks for comparing program performance?

Work with us

At Mission Measurement, we think of social impact as a science. That’s why we are leading the way in data standardization. With a common terminology, nonprofits and their funders can be more systematic in how they design, analyze and compare social programs. We invented The Impact Genome Registry® (IGR) to curate the world’s evidence base and develop universal standards for social impact measurement.

Through initiatives like the IGR, we aim to democratize the tools of evaluation, so that every program and nonprofit can measure and report social outcomes. The result is: we can lower the cost of measurement, avoid recreating the wheel, make evidence more accessible and actionable, and enable organizations to benchmark their results. These capabilities have never before been possible in the social sector.

Learn more about the Impact Genome Registry
Define success

Identify the right outcomes for your work

Measure success

Collect and report outcomes data

Build capacity

Train staff and grantees on how to measure outcomes

Improve ROI

Design strategies to produce breakthrough impact

Our expertise

Mission Measurement has quantified the impact of thousands of social programs around the world, covering the full range of outcomes, interventions, beneficiaries and contexts.

Our clients include Governments, CSR departments, Philanthropies, and NGOs.

Learn more

Find out how Mission Measurement can help your organization. Contact us today.

Chicago HQ

PO Box 14834

Chicago, IL 60614 

Washington D.C.
